

Saruman The White with his hand over his orb.

I have conjoured up some videos you may find simply sensational (In other words just YouTube video recommedations).

Alot of these are going to be video essays because you can watch them while doing house cleaning and etc, so that tends to be the time that I actually find some use for YouTube.

Be sure to check these videos out by clicking the titles, they are links!!!

Basic Guide To The Personal Web by Psychcool

I think this is a great starter video for contributing to the personal web. It talks about creating your own website and using personal websites as an alternative to social media (especially the doom scrolling part).

I still have some stuff I'll like to try like RSS so I'm not done with this website lol, but you should check it out!

Art, Furries and God by Patricia Taxxon

This video is probably one I wouldn't be the same without it. It really helped me to understand we shouldn't be so concerned how our art is percieved, or even how we are percieved. We should be honest in our art, perhaps disarmingly so.

Patricia has some other good videos like "The Autistic Horror of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared", so be sure to check her out!

Deltarune, or how do you become a Body without Organs? by WIREGRRRL

Best Deltarune video essay, period. Combining something as interesting as philosophy with something I love like Deltarune is just sensational. A concept like a Body Without Organs, in essence being a "virtual body of pure potentiality", is something genuinely intriguing and interesting!

WIREGRRRL is also on neocities here, be sure to check them out!

DELTARUNE and the Fourth Wall || THE DEVICE THEORY by mollystars

Okay fine it's actually a tie for the best Deltarune video essay...

The fourth wall is something that has probably been talked and done to death, but trust me this video is great!!! There is a reason why so many games and some media break the fourth wall or do something with it, because the idea of a fourth wall is interesting as hell!!!

mollystars also has a neocities here, be sure to check it out!


Yes, she deserves her own section. There are multiple video essays that are my favourite but I'll just recommend two. I watch the Undertale Retrospective almost every time I get cozy like on Christmas. Undertale was probably one of the earliest things I was fixated on (others being JoJo and Dragonball, weird combination ik), but even up to this day, I still continue to love whatever Toby Fox pushes out.

Single-handedly changed my opinion on v3 into it being my fav Dangan game. Was really annoyed about the ending of v3 and dropped it without sticking for the few minutes left til the end. Watching the video essay and hearing Nezumi's take on how fiction impacts us really changed my mind about the ending. Also, the little interviews at the end with 'Closing Argument' by Masafumi Tadaka playing were a nice touch to the video :).

the death of monoculture: a video essay by Noah McAlister

A great video talking about the weird way 'mainstream' media has kinda died. There are so many hobbies and interests you can get into now simply because of the internet, leading to most people finding stuff other than the mainstream.

Probably the reason I love the internet so much (yes ik i sound like a NEET but idc), it just opens up so many stuff for you to explore and discover. Alot what I am now and what you are now would not be there without the internet.