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How To BREAK Swordsoul (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Credits and Thanks to Baron HDL for cooking this up with me!!!


So with the SHS (Superheavy Samurai) engine, there is the classic one card Baronne if we have SHS Motorbike in hand:
SHS Motorbike
=> SHS Prodigy Wakashi
=> Activate SHS Prodigy Wakashi
=> Set Big Benkei
=> Activate Big Benkei
=> Add SHS Soulgaia Booster
=> Equip and activate its effect to special summon it
=> Synchro into Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
=> Revive SHS Motorbike from Grave using Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
=> Synchro into Baronne De Fleur

This is normally where most people think it ends but no, it gets even better! Since in this line we use Benkei's effect to search, the opponent could use Ash Blossom here leaving us free to use Ecclesia and Emergence with no concerns of Ash. We can go through normal combo even if Mo Ye/Taia gets negated as we already have Wakashi as a tuner. Even better, Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon tanks an Infinite Impermance/Effect Veiler so we can resolve Mo Ye/Taia. Not even Droll does much if you open two starters/Ashuna as you can make chixao and a Draco Berserker using them (With two starters you can go into Dragite instead). If you already have Longyuan in hand you can still go into level 10s!

Even if you only open Wakashi, he is able to get a generic level 4 Synchro onto the field. Best case is to go into Berserker as Dragite could be offline if your Mo Ye gets negated and can't hit the grave. But here is were Wakashi really helps the deck... PENDULUM SUMMONING.

This is because after Synchro summoning, if you have no spells or traps in your grave, Wakashi returns to the pendulum zone, this means that we have a scale for level 2-7 ready. Now this allows us to use more starters (or even longyuan if we have a second Wakashi on field) as they can be special summoned onto the field and let us have up to 4 monsters on the field turn 1 depending on our hand!

If you want an extra draw you can summon Berserker instead using Sinsister Sovereign's effect to +1. And in this example, we see that we already had SHS Motorbike in hand. Searching for another Wakashi allows us to Pendulum Summon a Tuner with out Mo Ye, allowing us not to worry about any negates. Also next turn we can Pendulum summon him to the Extra Monster Zone, meaning we can make a FIFTH Synchro since we have one Main Monster Zone open.

This makes up for Swordsoul's lack of board presence since most times we only get two monsters out, leading to a Lava Golemn which wipes out our board. The only downsides compared to the pure version, is less handtraps for this deck but in the process makes it less vunerable to handtraps. Which is a good trade since most formats have a meta where it is very handtrap heavy, so being able to play through them is vitally important.

But that's not even the best bit...

We can summon Chaos Angel...
And this isn't in a rare niche case, this is simply with Mo Ye/Taia and SHS Motorbike.

So after making Baronne (or Draco Berserker if you didn't want to use Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon):
Summon Mo Ye/Taia
=> Activate their effect and Go into Baxia
=> Use Baxia to pop Wakashi to Special Summon SHS Motorbike from grave
=> Synchro into Chaos Angel

This is simply wonderful when also trying to break a board, since we get THREE means of removal (if Baxia is made with Taia, 2 spin backs and 1 banish) AND finish on Chaos Angel (made with only a LIGHT monster).

Sacrificing your scale for Chaos Angel is good to close out games quickly and nets you some protection for your Synchros. The reason we pop Wakashi is we run multiple copies in the deck so we could top deck it and repair our scales. Also in this line, you get a +1 from Sinsister Sovereign's effect since you summoned Baxia after.

Honestly as well this deck is pretty budget without the Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon and Chaos Angel. You can play without them but you miss the one card Baronne, which is good against Nibiru and negating turn ending handtraps. So I would advise to get that and maybe leave out the Chaos Angel. At the time of writing trying to see how I should spread the cost on getting these last two cards, but honestly I think you should try the deck out as well and see how you feel.

The decklist is available here!

As you can see we do run two cards are basically bricks (Big Benkei and Soulgaia Booster), but by simply having Wakashi/Motorbike in hand, we can still benefit from drawing them.

For Soulgaia Booster, we just go through normal combo without activating Benkei as we already have Booster in hand. For Big Benkei, we can get our scales working so we can do multiple summons from hand and access to Chaos Angel.

I really like this deck and it was fun building it with Baron HDL, an upgrade to Swordsoul for those looking for something explosive. Well that's all folks, this cooking session has been fun and perhaps there will be more but we have found the Synchro solution.

If you try it out let me know what you think in the discord server here!